5 Factors that Determine Laser Tattoo Removal Success

Before and after side by side comparison of tattoo removal of stars and palm tree on the back of the neck of a woman

5 Factors that Determine Laser Tattoo Removal Success

Millions of people have a tattoo. They can be great forms of expression, ways to remember a person or significant life event, or pure decoration. But what happens if you no longer like the permanent ink on your body? As many as 20% of Americans say they regret getting their tattoo – and luckily, tattoo’s are no longer ‘permanent.’ At IOIO Studio, we use the state-of-the-art PicoSure® laser system for laser tattoo removal. The PicoSure® laser system is a great option for tattoo removal. Some tattoos are easier to remove than others – and there are several factors that will determine tattoo removal success:
The color of the tattoo. Large, multicolored tattoos are the most difficult to remove from the skin because the laser must break down different ink pigments. Green, blue, and black inks are easiest to remove and white, red, orange, and yellow are more difficult.
The age and size of the tattoo. Older tattoos are generally more faded and easier to remove when compared to new, fresh ink. In addition, larger tattoos require more treatments than smaller tattoos.
Skin color and type. Those with lighter skin usually have an easier time removing tattoos. Light skin does not absorb laser light, so the laser energy is focused on the tattoo pigment. Darker skin tones absorb more laser light, focusing less on the tattoo.
Your daily habits. Interestingly, smoking has a negative effect on tattoo removal. Those who smoked regularly have a 70% lower rate of removal after 10 sessions compared to those who don’t smoke. Smoking has an effect on wound healing and can slow down the body’s natural healing process.
Layered tattoos. If you initially tried to cover up a tattoo with more ink or a second tattoo, it will be much more difficult to remove and will require more treatments. Full removal of layered tattoos can be very difficult.
Laser tattoo removal is much quicker, safer, and less painful than ever before. If you have been considering removing your tattoo, call IOIO Studio. At IOIO Studio, we use the PicoSure® laser system for all of our laser tattoo removal procedures. This medical spa services system provides men and women with far more superior results when compared to other laser systems.